Saturday, August 6, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily: Sleep 6

Day Six:

Sleep: Environment

Attempt to eliminate as many electronic items as possible  from your bedroom. 

This includes television and phones, computers, and tablets. 

Electronic items emit electromagnetic waves and can interfere with relaxing sleep. Books by Arianna Huffington and Frank Lippman can shed more light on this subject. 

You may need to wean yourself off of these on a weekly basis or reduce the time you spend watching TV before bed. 

Anticipate your resistance and identify possible solutions to them. 

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.


Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing these wonderful tips Nicole! Sleep is so important and the majority of people today are not getting enough. It impacts their mental, physical and emotional health. Keep up the great work!!!

Channeling honu said...

Unplugging is so necessary. Thank you for your blogs-they are simple, deep, and wise.