For the next few months I am listing small, daily actions you can take to create more balance in your body, mind, and spirit. If one resonates with you, incorporate it.
Day Sixteen
The Office is the next space to declutter and organize. You spend a lot of time here, too, so creating space here will psychologically motivate you for creating abundance.
Start small. Clean a bookshelf or the top of your desk first.
Be discriminating about the books you keep. Why are you keeping them? Do you use them? Do they represent your life today? Do they bring you joy to see them there? Consider selling some or donating them to the library.
Other areas to tackle, which may require a couple of weeks, are the filing cabinets. Do you need to keep the paper? Can it be scanned? Consider hiring a company to scan and archive or shred your papers if this is a cumbersome task.
Clean out your drawers and declutter the office to reflect where you are heading professionally, not where you have been.
On some free evenings mindlessly watching TV, clear out your computer files, too. It not only frees up space, but can feel quite liberating to organize and discard what you no longer use.
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