Saturday, September 24, 2016

Daily Resource: Protein Powder

For the month of September I am offering a daily resource or book recommendation for creating a balanced body, mind, and spirit.

Bloody Mary's-Bora Bora. 2015. NDM
If you like smoothies for breakfast and use a protein powder, it helps to use one without a lot of processing, chemicals and sweeteners. I also prefer one that does not have any soy or whey.
Nikken (disclaimer: I rep this line), has a wonderful meal replacement protein powder that has essential vitamins, minerals, greens, and plant protein and tastes great. You can add it to cold water, juice or herbal tea. The price point is on par with other protein powders while also offering a daily supply of vitamins and greens, so you don't have to buy extra supplements. Also, the containers have a 30-serving supply and can be discounted on auto-ship.

I have tried many powders out there, and I keep coming back to the Nikken Vital Balance, which you can learn about here.

I help A-types B(e) more. A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at or email me for more information. 

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