Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tip: Assessment

For the next few months I am listing small, daily actions you can take to create more balance in your body, mind, and spirit. If one resonates with you, incorporate it. 

Day Thirty-One


How do you feel after a month of daily tips? Which tips resonated with you, and which ones were most challenging?
Celebrate any shift you made. 
Every action is a step forward.

Pick 3 tips you would like to add over the next month. 
Schedule them on the calendar. 

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tip: Change your Meeting Plan

For the next few months I am listing small, daily actions you can take to create more balance in your body, mind, and spirit. If one resonates with you, incorporate it. 

NDM. 2013
Day Thirty

Schedule an activity rather than lunch. 
If you have a meeting with someone, consider incorporating activity into the meeting rather than a heavy lunch or dinner. 
Get creative.

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tip: Let the Sunshine In

For the next few months I am listing small, daily actions you can take to create more balance in your body, mind, and spirit. If one resonates with you, incorporate it. 

Day Twenty-nine

Take a mid-morning, afternoon, or lunch-time walk outside. Get some sunshine and take a ‘breather’ in some small way. If you have more time, consider getting a book on tape or listen to a podcast if you find it challenging to walk in silence.
Take your camera. Look for something unusual, inspirational, or beautiful to share. We find what we are looking for!

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tip: Be Playful

For the next few months I am listing small, daily actions you can take to create more balance in your body, mind, and spirit. If one resonates with you, incorporate it. 

Day Twenty-eight

Schedule a playful activity in the next week. Research a dance class, or kayak rental, or a new bicycle or hiking trail. Call a friend or enlist your family, and schedule it. 
It will give you something to look forward to and get you moving.

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tip: Str-e-e-e-e-tch

For the next few months I am listing small, daily actions you can take to create more balance in your body, mind, and spirit. If one resonates with you, incorporate it. 

Day Twenty-seven

Add a little more stretching throughout your day.
When you first wake up try a few simple stretches—anything your remember from grade school—while still in bed or before you begin your day. Hug your knees into your chest, gently twist each side, and clasp your hands behind your back to open up your chest area. Do some gentle side bends and gentle hamstring stretch. This few minutes of stretching can open your whole day to new ideas.

Also, consider doing a few stretches for your hamstrings, neck, and shoulders, and hips before bed. Sitting in a chair or on the side of your bed, place your right ankle on your left thigh.Gently lean forward and breathe for a few minutes allowing the hip to release. Do this on the other side. Teaching your muscles to relax can improve the quality of your sleep.

Just a few minutes...

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tip: Spice Up Your Journey

For the next few months I am listing small, daily actions you can take to create more balance in your body, mind, and spirit. If one resonates with you, incorporate it.

Day Twenty-six

Take a different route.
Try deviating from your normal routine a bit today. 
Take a different road or path to work or into your office. 
Do something to break from your normal habit and see what you discover.

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tip: Walk

 I am listing small, daily actions you can take to create more balance in your body, mind, and spirit. If one resonates with you, incorporate it.

Day Twenty-five

Walk. Take some time to observe your activity today and notice whether you could add more options to walk. For example, taking the stairs, or parking farther away from a destination.
Could you take a 5-`10 minute walk at lunch, or run an errand on foot rather than by car.

Remember, too, that little segments add up. A 5-10 minute walk a few times a day is better than no activity at all. Splitting it up during the day gives your mind a rest, too.

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tip: Breathe

For the next few months I am listing small, daily actions you can take to create more balance in your body, mind, and spirit. If one resonates with you, incorporate it. 

NDM 2016
Day Twenty-four

How often do you observe your breath?
Take a moment to notice your breathing patterns throughout the day: in the car, at your desk, on a break. 
Is your inhale deep, expanding your rib cage outward? Do your shoulders rise and fall?
Is it quick, shallow, long? 
How long are your exhales?
As you observe your breath today, try focusing on just the inhale for a count of 4, 5, 6, and then 7.
Then, try focusing on the exhale for a similar count.
Notice the pause in between the inhalation and the exhalation.
How do you feel after noticing, then regulating, your breath?

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tip: Getting Ready to Move

For the next few months I am listing small, daily actions you can take to create more balance in your body, mind, and spirit. If one resonates with you, incorporate it. 

White Rock Lake, Dallas, TX. NDM 2016
 Day Twenty-three

Over the past three weeks we have focused on various aspects of well-being around sleep and physical environment. Now we will spend a week focused on moving the body to promote physical and mental well-being. And, it feels great. Your daily movement can be a great time to unwind and cultivate a more focused, positive outlook. It can be a great way to start the day; take a creative break mid-day, and settle down for the evening. 

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tip: 'Decluttering' People

For the next few months I am listing small, daily actions you can take to create more balance in your body, mind, and spirit. If one resonates with you, incorporate it. 

Day Twenty-Two


"People inspire you or they drain you - pick them wisely" -Hans F. Hansen 

This one requires some journaling and more than a day’s attention. But, after spending time clearing out your living spaces, you will have freed up some mental space in your life.

Think about where you spend your time, how you spend your time, and with whom? Do the people in your life uplift you or drain you? Do they encourage or discourage you?

Think about the 5 people you spend the most time with? Do they reflect your values and where you want to be?

Do you keep people in your life out of obligation, duty, or habit?

Make a list and consider allocating more time and effort to the people who uplift you, support you, and nurture you.

Make time for those who resonate with where you are right now. You don’t have to sever ties completely 
 [unless the relationship is toxic, abusive or codependent, in which case you should seek professional support]. 

Just commit to yourself that you will spend time with uplifting, positive loving people. You don’t need to overanalyze or over explain your choices. 

Seek Those Who Fan Your Flames!

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tip: Declutter the Garage

For the next few months I will be listing small, daily actions you can take to create more balance in your body, mind, and spirit. If one resonates with you, incorporate it. 

Day Twenty-One

Declutter the Garage/Storage/attic

This may require some time, especially if you use your garage as an overflow storage or have lived in your home for awhile. 
Schedule some time to organize into bins, or put in shelving. You may hire someone to help with the heavier items. Have a garage sale [which will also help motivate you to get the other areas cleared out and earn you some extra cash]. 

What are you saving items for?
If you don’t use it, why do you have it?
Do you need it?
Do you love it?
Does it bring you joy?
If you were to let it go, are you afraid you would not be able to replace it?

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tip: Declutter Rooms

For the next few months I will be listing small, daily actions you can take to create more balance in your body, mind, and spirit. If one resonates with you, incorporate it. 

Day Twenty


Time to look under the beds and get organized, declutter and clean. Any items that you see in a room that do not bring you joy need to be donated or put away. Remove tabletop clutter and put everything in its place. If it doesn't have a "place" decide what it means to you and address it accordingly. If there are magazines and papers you may need "someday" be honest about whether you need to save these or if you could just get the information later. Donate books and magazines to a library or nursing home. Hire someone to scan or shred documents. The idea is to create a system to minimize future clutter pile-ups. Piles of unfinished business do not allow you to psychologically embrace a future of possibility!

And, when you walk into a clean, organized room, you will be surprised by how energized and inspired you feel.

Consider adding some fresh flowers or a plant in your “new” rooms just to spice things up, or rearrange the furniture. It will feel like a new space, a new day, a new everything!

I help A-types B(e) more. A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at or email me for more information. 

Friday, August 19, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tip: Declutter Your Car!

For the next few months I am posting small, daily actions you can take to create more balance in your body, mind, and spirit. If one resonates with you, incorporate it. 

Day Nineteen: Declutter your car! (And you city folks can declutter your messenger bag)

This is a fun one. Is your car clean?
The car represents your masculine energy and ability to get things moving. 
Is it cluttered and dirty?

Take some time to clean out the cup holders and doors, and compartments. 
Discard anything that you have not used. 
Spend some time to clean your car or get it detailed.

You will  be surprised by how energized you feel when you sit in a clean, fresh-smelling car!

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tip: Decluttering the Bathroom

For the next few months I am listing small, daily actions you can take to create more balance in your body, mind, and spirit. If one resonates with you, incorporate it. 

Day Eighteen

Decluttering bathrooms can be viewed from several angles.

Clean out expired products and medications.
Clear out anything you have not used and either discard or donate.
Towels and linens with holes can be donated or converted to car/utility use. You want to see abundance and prosperity in everything you use.

Clear out the drawers and cabinets to reflect a positive, healthy lifestyle, too. If you use makeup or chemical laden products on your skin, consider more natural items with fewer chemicals.

Order and empty space allows energy to flow and invites more abundance to flow to you.

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tip: Decluttering Closets

For the next few months I am listing small, daily actions you can take to create more balance in your body, mind, and spirit. If one resonates with you, incorporate it. 

Day Seventeen


Time to clean the closets. Some people start with linen closets and hall closets before tackling clothes. Consider
discarding items you have not used in the past year. If clothes do not fit now, donate them. Do not have constant reminders of where you were or where you hope to be. You need to have positive reminders and a constant reflection of abundance, not lack. 

Clothes that are frayed do not reflect abundance. Clothes that need mending should either be taken to be mended or donated. Remember, focus on abundance and prosperity.

If you are having hard time discarding clothes, consider making 3 piles. Those you wear now, those you definitely want to let go of, and those you are not yet sure about. Put the ‘maybe’ pile in a bag and place it in the trunk of your car for a month. If you have not missed the item in a month, then you can donate it with assurance that if you need it, it will be provided.

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tip: Decluttering the Office

For the next few months I am listing small, daily actions you can take to create more balance in your body, mind, and spirit. If one resonates with you, incorporate it. 

Day Sixteen


The Office is the next space to declutter and organize. You spend a lot of time here, too, so creating space here will psychologically motivate you for creating abundance.

Start small. Clean a bookshelf or the top of your desk first. 
Be discriminating about the books you keep. Why are you keeping them? Do you use them? Do they represent your life today? Do they bring you joy to see them there? Consider selling some or donating them to the library.

Other areas to tackle, which may require a couple of weeks, are the filing cabinets. Do you need to keep the paper? Can it be scanned? Consider hiring a company to scan and archive or shred your papers if this is a cumbersome task.

Clean out your drawers and declutter the office to reflect where you are heading professionally, not where you have been.

On some free evenings mindlessly watching TV, clear out your computer files, too. It not only frees up space, but can feel quite liberating to organize and discard what you no longer use.

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tip: Decluttering the Kitchen

For the next few months I am listing small, daily actions you can take to create more balance in your body, mind, and spirit. If one resonates with you, please incorporate it. 

Day Fifteen


This is a great place to start because it is a place you use regularly but rarely has as much emotional “charge” as other areas of the home with respect to letting go.

Start with your refrigerator and clear out expired items and anything not contributing to your overall health.

Next, work on the pantry. Donate items to a food pantry if you have not used them or they are not a part of your new healthy lifestyle.

Then focus on the drawers. Pick some easy ones first to clean out and clear out. This will give you some momentum for clearing out the “everything” drawers. 

Look at each item and determine whether you have used it in the past year.
Aim for keeping items that you use regularly, and giving away or selling items you have not used. 

After the drawers, work on the cabinets. You may need to break these down to daily tasks rather than all at once.
Consider clearing the countertops and organizing everything in your cupboard. 

You will be inspired by your organized “new” kitchen and ready to tackle some other areas of your home.

I help A-types B(e) more. A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at or email me for more information. 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tip: Declutter

For the next few months I am sharing small, daily actions you can take to create more balance in your body, mind, and spirit. If one resonates with you, please incorporate it and see how you feel. Share any results.

Day Fourteen

Home environment.

Declutter. This concept has been promoted through Feng Shui and similar arts aimed at creating a clear space. Seeing order in your home and work environments can affect your mindset and nervous system. The psychology behind it can be self-tested. 

Decluttering can take some time, especially if you tend toward an all-or-nothing attitude. Start small. Pick a room a week, or a cabinet, or a drawer. Or consider spending a set amount of time toward the task. If you are experiencing overwhelm, break it down into smaller components and build from there. Donating and discarding what you no longer need not only frees up space for the new, it also affirms your belief in an abundant universe, which always provides.

For assistance with this, or the concept of “tidying” look at Marie Kondo’s book on the subject.

Or, you might consider hiring someone to assist with this task.

In the Long Island area, my friend Pat Campbell has an amazing business where she helps people declutter and then helps direct donated items to charitable organizations to match the items with those who need them. 

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tip: Magnetics

For the next few months I will be listing small, daily actions you can take to create more balance in your body, mind, and spirit. If one resonates with you, incorporate it. 

Day Thirteen


Much research has been done on the use of magnetics for grounding out all the EMI from computers and other wireless devices. 

Whether at work, in the car, or at home, you can wear them, sit on them, or walk on them. If you suffer from pain in your joints or sit for long periods of time, consider getting a chair pad or magnetic insoles to help with circulation. Energized blood increases energy and reduces inflammation. 

Try getting outside on the ground and walking barefoot or sitting in the grass. Or connecting with nature at lunch. Look outside in the sunshine, revel in the warmth of the sun, the feel of the wind, the ground, the birds.

In the early 90s I lived in Japan and used the Nikken magnetics for a lower back issue caused by a car accident. Their product line has expanded since then and they offer many options for pain relief and improved circulation.

Magnetic Insoles [great for runners or sitting at a computer]

Magnetic chair pad if you sit at a computer all day.

Drug-free pain relief products

Follow your instincts and investigate anything you are curious about!

I help A-types B(e) more. A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at or email me for more information. 

Friday, August 12, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily: Work Environment

For the next few months I will be listing small, daily actions you can take to create more balance in your body, mind, and spirit. A balanced life feels congruent and full of infinite possibilities. If one resonates with you, incorporate it. If not, it is not for you.

Day Twelve:

Work Environment:

We get tune-ups for our car, our teeth and our bodies. 
We spend time on our well-being by eating healthy, taking supplements, exercising, and keeping our homes clean and clutter free. We make sure we meditate and do yoga and have the peace of mind.
What about your workspace environment, where you spend a significant amount of time during the week? 

When I moved from the Northeast back to Texas, I hoped, among other goals, to rebuild my seriously deficient vitamin D levels. As luck would have it, I was given an office without windows! If I had known about Nikken natural light lamps then, I would have thrived better than I did. Also, a stuffy, old government building was not circulating fresh, clean air.  Clean, energizing air, ample sunlight to set our internal biorhythm, and quality water can do wonders for your health over an 8+ hour day! 

Consider adding a few of these tweaks to your office space and notice the difference. Other manufacturers for these products exist, but I have personally tested the Nikken products linked below. Whatever works for you is the best product out there.

Also, consider an essential oil diffuser with calming or energizing oils or a water fall for soothing sound to calm your nervous system.

I help A-types B(e) more. A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at or email me for more information. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tips: Water for Health & Wellbeing

Day Eleven:

Now that we have worked on improving our sleep over the past ten days, let's now look at daily tips to help with creating health & well being.

The simplest tip to adopt now is to drink more water and better quality water. Try adding cucumber or citrus fruit slices to water in your reusable bottle to add flavor without extra calories or chemicals. Also, reducing your use of plastic can minimize your exposure to harmful chemicals, especially when plastic leeches toxins from heat [Think: hot car in the summer or sitting outside].

At a minimum choose BPA-free plastic and keep it out of the direct sun or extreme heat. Stainless bottles are great  (These Hydro Flask bottles keep ice frozen all day, even in Texas summers!)  and Nikken offers a BPA-free bottle with internal filtration system and magnetic ionization. Plenty of reusable bottles identify their BPA-Free status.

If your home does not have a filter, consider a Brita or other filtration system ,or this amazing "waterfall" system from Nikken that adds magnetics and purification that makes water taste amazing. 

If you do nothing else for your health but get more sleep and drink more water, you will notice a significant improvement in your health and cognitive functioning. Try it for two weeks as a self-experiment.

Here's to your health and well-being!

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tips: Sleep Assessment

Day Ten:

Sleep: Assessment

Over the past 9 days you have considered and implemented some small changes in your sleep ritual, environment and bed. 

Which tips were helpful? 

Which ones are a work-in-progress?

Action Item:

Make a list of a few you want to still incorporate and schedule them into your calendar. Do 1 today. 

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily: Sleep 9

Day Nine:

Sleep: Bedding

A comfortable bed and sheets can make all the difference to your sleep quality.

Consider adding sleep-encouraging bedding system, that includes cozy products like the  infrared mattress topper,  comforter, and pillow:

Also, bamboo sheets are blissful.

*These links to Nikken are a product I distribute because I believe in the technology. I do earn money from these sales. Some [not all] competitive products are available and would still benefit you. I use Nikken products and feel confident with the company’s mission and product quality.

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tip: Sleep 8

Day Eight:

Sleep: Environment

Consider adding the following products to your lifestyle to keep your environment cool, clean, and conducive to deep, restful, nurturing sleep:*

Ear plugs

White noise

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

* Some of these links to Nikken are a product I distribute because I believe in the technology. I do earn money from these sales. Some [not all] competitive products are available and would still benefit you. I use Nikken products and feel confident with the company’s mission and product quality.