Monday, August 15, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tip: Decluttering the Kitchen

For the next few months I am listing small, daily actions you can take to create more balance in your body, mind, and spirit. If one resonates with you, please incorporate it. 

Day Fifteen


This is a great place to start because it is a place you use regularly but rarely has as much emotional “charge” as other areas of the home with respect to letting go.

Start with your refrigerator and clear out expired items and anything not contributing to your overall health.

Next, work on the pantry. Donate items to a food pantry if you have not used them or they are not a part of your new healthy lifestyle.

Then focus on the drawers. Pick some easy ones first to clean out and clear out. This will give you some momentum for clearing out the “everything” drawers. 

Look at each item and determine whether you have used it in the past year.
Aim for keeping items that you use regularly, and giving away or selling items you have not used. 

After the drawers, work on the cabinets. You may need to break these down to daily tasks rather than all at once.
Consider clearing the countertops and organizing everything in your cupboard. 

You will be inspired by your organized “new” kitchen and ready to tackle some other areas of your home.

I help A-types B(e) more. A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at or email me for more information. 

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