Saturday, December 31, 2016

Letting Go, Letting In 12 31 16

On this final day of 2016:

Akureyri, Iceland. NDM 2012
Make a list of 5 behaviors, habits, thoughts you are releasing this year.
Make a list of 5 behaviors, habits, thoughts you are cultivating in 2017.

Wishing you a year of continued abundance, joy, and peace. It is all success.

If you are looking to make significant changes in the new year and want support from a coach or a group, visit my website at or contact me for more information.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Training for Balance

Links to previously published posts to facilitate your creation of a congruent, balanced life.

New Day. NDM 2016.
Training for Balance

In life we can train for moments of physical, mental, and emotional balance so that when the storms of life happen, we have the strength and agility to bounce back.

Times are uncertain, the future unknown. But we do have control over how we respond or react to a perceived situation. When we try to control these aspects of our life, it equates to a bird grasping tightly on a wire. 

I help A-types B(e) more. I believe you are the guru of your own life adventure. If you need a travel agent who knows the ropes and can ask you the right questions to prepare you, email me or visit my website for more information on private or groups sessions and seminars (online and in person).

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Same Old Story

View from the Acropolis. NDM 2016.
Links to previously published posts to facilitate your creation of a congruent, balanced life.

Same Old Story:

"The most important question anyone can ask is: 

What myth am I living?"    - Carl Jung

We can see our current story themes by looking at what is (or isn’t) flowing in our life, annoying or frustrating us, or what just feels bad. 

Water knows to flow around the rocks, which divert it to the path of least resistance. Life is always unfolding to the best outcome. You choose what you want to see.

I help A-types B(e) more. A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Contact me for more information on group and private sessions.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A Fresh Start: Not Just For Financial Bankruptcy

Links to previously published posts to facilitate your creation of a congruent, balanced life.

Venice. NDM 2016
A Fresh Start: Not Just For Financial Bankruptcy

Beneath the ashes, those embers of hope have not yet extinguished. You can resurrect your life, desires, magic, creativity, and joy at any time. 

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Painting Your Own Reality

Links to previously published posts to facilitate your creation of a congruent, balanced life.

Church of the Anunciation. Nazareth, Israel. NDM 2016.
Painting Your Own Reality

Surround yourself with supportive ideas, people, concepts, and situations to reinforce the beautiful masterpiece you envision.

I help A-types B(e) more. I believe you are the guru of your own life adventure. If you need a travel agent who knows the ropes and can ask you the right questions to prepare you, email me or visit my website for more information on private or groups sessions and seminars (online and in person).

Monday, December 26, 2016

More "Woo Hoo"; Less "Woo Woo": Choosing to Live a Congruent Life

Links to previously published posts to facilitate your creation of a congruent, balanced life.

NDM 2016
More "Woo Hoo"; Less "Woo Woo": Choosing to Live a Congruent Life

I sat like an indentured servant in a windowless office counting off the hours and days to vacation like a prison sentence. Even when you love your work, an inner pull--a void--that is ignored can drain the life out of you. So many people endure this drudgery waiting for retirement when they hope to finally live the life they think they want. Think about how many days your life is on hold for that future moment. 

The true spiritual path is our ability to move through the world, interact with others, and learn from our experiences.

I help A-types B(e) more. I believe you are the guru of your own life adventure. If you need a travel agent who knows the ropes and can ask you the right questions to prepare you, email me or visit my website for more information on private or groups sessions and seminars (online and in person).

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Optimism: Polishing Rose Colored Glasses To Be Half-Full

Links to previously published posts to facilitate your creation of a congruent, balanced life.

Akureyri, Iceland. 2012. NDM.
Optimism: Polishing Rose Colored Glasses To Be Half-Full

In law, business, and life the facts of a situation are never perfect. ...

Even when we may not be able to view the world with rose-colored glasses, we can polish the lenses to see the glass as half-full. 

Helping A-types B(e) More WooHoo with less WooWoo. Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at or email me for more information. 

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Energy: Give A Little, Get A Lot

Links to previously published posts to facilitate your creation of a congruent, balanced life.

Zadar, Croatia. 2016 NDM.

Energy: Give A Little, Get A Lot

Putting energy into your vision can be as simple as showing up as if what you want has already happened.

Don’t sit inside waiting for the world of adventure to knock on your door. At least open the door to let the world know you are home!

Work with your mind and with the flow of nature to take action for the life you want. Give a little energy and it will give back exponentially. That is why it matters to focus on the positive so the actions moving forward are aligned with where you are going. 
At least get up and open your metaphorical door to infinite possibilities!
Helping A (types) B(e) more & C (infinite possibilities). Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at or email me for more information. 

Friday, December 23, 2016

Tune to the Station Playing Your Music

Links to previously published posts to facilitate your creation of a congruent, balanced life.

Venetian Graffiti. NDM. 2016
Tune to the Station Playing Your Music

Our discontent comes from a mistaken belief that we have to earn our way as a human. We push harder toward a moving target and end up feeling exhausted, jaded, and grasping ever-so-tightly to a goal that does not belong to us.

I help A-types B(e) more. A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync. Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at or email me for more information. 

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Ask What Makes You Come Alive

For the rest of the year, I am including links to previously published posts to facilitate your creation of a congruent, balanced life.

Venice. NDM 2016.
Ask What Makes You Come Alive

In a congruent life, we feel connected to a purpose and a passion, regardless of our physical work. Even the dullest job can feel exciting if you are able to offer your own unique creative spin on it. This is more than a paycheck to pay bills, and not about finding that dream job. It is about sparking the creative passion within you to bring to whatever you are doing. Your work does not define you or your purpose. You do, from within. 

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync. I help you plant the seeds of ideas and nurture them to manifestation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Trusting in the Safety Net

For the rest of the year, I am including links to previously published posts to facilitate your creation of a congruent, balanced life.

Limassol, Cyprus. NDM 2016.
Trusting in the Safety Net

Safety means you can walk away from what does not serve you without fear—the fear that adds resistance to the choices necessary for change.

Your life remains in a holding pattern circling around your dreams until you decide it is time to land.

You can weigh the risks, analyze the statistics, and speculate about the future, but you are burning daylight on the steps you could be taking for a more adventurous, joyful life—professionally and personally.

I help A-types B(e) more. I believe you are the guru of your own life adventure. If you need a travel agent who knows the ropes and can ask you the right questions to prepare you, email me or visit my website for more information on private or groups sessions and seminars (online and in person).

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


For the rest of the year, I am including links to previously published posts to facilitate your creation of a congruent, balanced life.

Church of the Anunciation, Nazareth Israel 2016

“You are never too old to set another goal, or to dream a new dream.”

I help A-types B(e) more. A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync. Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at or email me for more information. 

Monday, December 19, 2016

Negating a Negativity Funk

The remainder of this year includes previously published posts focusing on creating congruence and balance.

"Rebirth" Olympia, Greece. NDM 2016
Negating a Negativity Funk

Manage your own negativity funk by recognizing what is working in your life. Appreciate the people, places, and things that support you. We create intimacy when we hold a safe space for people to share who they are and what they want.  Learn to ask questions and listen to others, so you can reflect the positive you wish to receive. Hold the vision of a fortunate outcome for others you meet, and by all means, do not hijack their dreams

I help A-types B(e) more. A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync. Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at or email me for more information. 

Friday, December 16, 2016

Anticipate Possibilities

The remainder of this year includes previously published posts focusing on creating congruence and balance.

Church of the Anunciation. Nazareth, Israel. NDM 2016.
Anticipate Possibilities

What we fear rarely comes to pass, and we are usually blindsided by the challenges we never even knew existed, let alone anticipated. Rather than anticipate possible adversity, we could instead cultivate courage....Our powerful minds could be better used as a tool for finding the infinite possibilities.

I help A-types B(e) more. I believe you are the guru of your own life adventure. If you need a travel agent who knows the ropes and can ask you the right questions to prepare you, email me or visit my website for more information on private or groups sessions and seminars (online and in person).

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Vision: See the Magic of Uncertainty

The remainder of this year includes previously published posts focusing on creating congruence and balance.

Limassol, Cyprus. NDM 2016.
Vision: See the Magic of Uncertainty

Vision encompasses more than just “seeing” what we want. It also requires internal magic summoned by feeling the manifestation of that vision.

Even if you don’t quite have a clear vision for your castle, start building anyway. You may be pleasantly surprised.

And, you can always start again. You are everything you need.
Helping A-types B(e) More WooHoo with less WooWoo. Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at or email me for more information. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Self Improvement Is Not A To-Do List

The next month includes links to blogs previously written  to support the creation of balance in our professional and personal lives.

The 1st Olympiad. Greece.2016. ndm
Self improvement Is Not A To-Do List

You and your life are not things to be fixed. We grow ourselves and our business like a seed we plant. Other people may not see the emerging tendrils slowly taking root to form the foundation of the majestic tree. Yet, if you viewed your life as a seed, you would appreciate each process as a necessary unfolding. At the end of life we do not get an award for Fastest Self-Improvement or Biggest Spiritual Growth. Every moment and every result perfects the moment, including the struggle.

I help A-types B(e) more. A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Contact me for more information on group and private sessions.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


The remainder of this year includes previously published posts focusing on creating congruence and balance.

Piraeus, Greece. NDM 2016

With our work and our personal lives, we need the shadow parts—the challenges—to bring depth to the light parts—the excitement. Too much dark and we cannot see the light; too much light and we have no depth.
Love encompasses all of this.

I help A-types B(e) more. A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync. Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at or email me for more information.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Acadian Rhythm

Posts from the archives to assist you in creating balance and congruence in your life.

Embrace a rhythm of change.

Sunday morning in Venice. NDM 2016

Acadian Rhythm
We may not have control over the circumstances instigating the change, but we do have complete control over taking the next step in starting over. You can choose what traditions, memories, and character to carry forward and surrender what has no place in the future. It is you who makes your home, your life, and your community—not the possessions, buildings, and past. Experience is never lost; it serves to give you courage moving forward.

Helping A-types B(e) More WooHoo with less WooWoo. Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at or email me for more information.