Saturday, October 1, 2016

Gratitude & Connection: Your Physical Body

For October 2016, a daily tip focused on gratitude and connection provides additional tools for creating balance.

Day 1:

Today list 1-3 aspects of your physical body you appreciate and have gratitude for.

NDM 2016

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Physical aspects of my physical body I have gratitude for:
1 - the warmth that I can share with another
2 - the softness of my skin but also how protective it is at the same time
3 - my eyes, that I may see all the the beauty of this world