Thursday, August 11, 2016

Creating Congruence Daily Tips: Water for Health & Wellbeing

Day Eleven:

Now that we have worked on improving our sleep over the past ten days, let's now look at daily tips to help with creating health & well being.

The simplest tip to adopt now is to drink more water and better quality water. Try adding cucumber or citrus fruit slices to water in your reusable bottle to add flavor without extra calories or chemicals. Also, reducing your use of plastic can minimize your exposure to harmful chemicals, especially when plastic leeches toxins from heat [Think: hot car in the summer or sitting outside].

At a minimum choose BPA-free plastic and keep it out of the direct sun or extreme heat. Stainless bottles are great  (These Hydro Flask bottles keep ice frozen all day, even in Texas summers!)  and Nikken offers a BPA-free bottle with internal filtration system and magnetic ionization. Plenty of reusable bottles identify their BPA-Free status.

If your home does not have a filter, consider a Brita or other filtration system ,or this amazing "waterfall" system from Nikken that adds magnetics and purification that makes water taste amazing. 

If you do nothing else for your health but get more sleep and drink more water, you will notice a significant improvement in your health and cognitive functioning. Try it for two weeks as a self-experiment.

Here's to your health and well-being!

A congruent life feels vibrant and full of infinite possibilities where your body, mind, and spirit feel in sync.  Like a personal trainer for the physical body, I help individuals train the mind toward positive focus and deliberate creation. Visit my webpage at for more information.

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